Subject Access Request (SAR)

The General Data Protection Regulations(GDPR) gives you the statutory right of access to any information, manual (paper) or computerised.  You may wish to authorise someone else to make your application on your behalf and if you have parental responsilities you may make an application to see your childs notes.

You do not have to give a reason for applying for access to your General Practice records.  If you do not need to access your entire records, it would be helpful if you would inform us of the periods and area of your health records that you require, along with details which you feel may have relevance (eg, dates, clinic type, etc)

Last Updated: 03/02/2023

Type of Request

 If you request copies, these will be ready within the allocated timescale. We will telephone you when they are available for you to come into the Practice to collect them.


We will not charge for the first request for access to your medical records.  

We will deal with your request as quickly as possible, usually within 4 weeks depending on the volume of information you have requested.


If you are completing this application on behalf of another person, the Practice will require their authorisation before we can release the data to you.  The person whose information is being requested should sign the relevant section with the online form.  If the patient is a child (under 16 yrs of age) the application may be made by someone with parental responsibilites.  If the child is capable of understanding the nature of the application, their consent should be obtained or alternatively, the child may submit an application on their own behalf.  All cases will be considered individually.


Applicant Details

Information Being Requested

Please provide specific details (along with any relevant dates) of the information being requested and any additional information that may help us to locate the personal data and to confirm the patients identity.

By completing this form, the patient is making a subject access request under the GDPR for personal data collected, processed and held about the patient by the Practice that they are entitled to receive.




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